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HEAD STORE (3rd Septemvriou 39, Athens)

Front view of our store. Click to enlarge.     «AINOS & YMNOS» was founded in November 1994 by Head Chanter and Choir Master Pavlos Fortomas, in Athens.

     Its establishment was the result of his desire for the existence of a meeting place for friends, chanters and clerics, rather more than a simple store. At the time, it was the first ecclesiastical multi-store that combined the sale of books and church items, as well as the greatest variety of Byzantine Music books, a result of the founder’s long occupation as a Chanter.

From the opening of      With your love and support «AINOS & YMNOS» has continued its upward course throughout all these years until now.

From the opening of      In the present difficult times, our company struggles to maintain the high quality of its products at the lowest possible prices for your own benefit. The variety of our products is vast, and continuously upgraded to meet your needs and desires.

     Please visit us for a personal acquaintance, or contact us and let us help you. Our associates are always at your disposal.


Interior of our store. Click to enlarge.Interior of our store. Click to enlarge.


     Since 2013 we have opened our department in Peraius. Having always in mind your servicing, now you can also visit us in Peraius so that we can offer you quality and variety of church items and books that we sell.


Front view of our department store. Click to enlarge.       Interior of our department store. Click to enlarge.


Interior of our department store. Click to enlarge.       Interior of our department store. Click to enlarge.

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